Tuesday, June 21, 2011

You know you're a mom when....

Today is the offical first day of summer....HA!!! Considering it has only been 103 degrees, I think the calender is behind!!! So as I rip off a day on my calender it brought me to todays theory!!!!
   You know you're a mom when..
 You find yourself rationalizing that a quick coat of hand sanitizer on your child's major extremities would be alot faster than a bath. LOL I got a kick out of this.... As a mom we have all been there when its late when you get home and the child is already asleep from the car ride and you know they need a bath but the dilemma sets in..To bathe or not to bathe???? That is the ultimate question... Now as a first time mom you find yourself trying to bathe them without waking them which works about as well as telling the dishes to wash themselves....But now as a mother of 2 you find yourself saying ok a quick "wipe" bath would be ok..and yet they still wake up!!!Ha!!! And I will say as a mother of 4 it is called strip them down, tuck them in , and say to yourself I swear I will bathe them in the morning!!!!LOL Because we all know that once they are awake from there how ever long nap in the car you can forget sleeping because that is very much the power nap they needed to give them kid super powers!!!LOL LOL SOOOOOO.... The moral is you are not a bad mom if they miss a bath, you are a well rested mom..so that bath in the morning will be alot more fun!!!!!! So as you lay your head on your pillow do not think about your child laying in their bed dirty!!HA  but think of their sweet, quiet, sleeping little self and think of the rest you are about to endure!!! LOL Now with that said please remember that baths are a good thing!!! HA!!HA!!! God bless and be AMAZED!!!!!

Monday, June 20, 2011

I am a newbie, so take it easy!!!!

 So ok I have never written a blog but here it goes. I figure I can write all my thoughts down and see where it goes, Who knows I might even be able to help myself!!LOL
   I recently received a cute desk calender from my mother in law and it is called You know your a mom when.... So I think that is where I am going to start!! Being a mom!! 
   I named this blog Amazed by Grace because I am daily shown God's Amazing Grace. I am surrounded by it. Shall we count the ways my life is touched by Grace...
   1. I worship an Amazing God..A forgiving God. I look around the world today and knowing that my Heavenly Father promises an eternal life in His kingdom helps me push on and sleep at night. An Amazing God that sent His son to come here an endure all that this earthly place brought and He still made such a wicked punishment into a Gloroius and selfless act. Being one of His children feels AMAZING!!!!
   2. To live in a country that allows me to worship that AMAZING God and feel no punishment for that is AMAZING!!! To know that in 53 countries it is illegal to wear a piece of clothing that states that I am a Christian and proud to be. That is AMAZING!!!
   3. I am married to an AMAZING man that gives so much of himself to care for his family and never thinks twice about it. We have been married 11 years and I love him more everyday. He shows me everyday love and respect. He is an AMAZING daddy to our 4 children. He is head strong in his beliefs and never backs down from that. He is AMAZING!!!!
   4. My AMAZING babies!!! Each with their own personality we will start from oldest to yougest....
        Madison Quinn Ridner...Oh my we have entered the teenage years!!!! She will be 14 and boy oh boy is she her own person...Madi is very quiet and meek and I feel some mistaken this for being shy and unconfident, but it is actually quite the opposite. I think that she sits on the sidelines and takes everything in. She is a great judge of character and Nate and I sometimes forget she is just 13. She is poised and conservative about her appearence.(Thank God) and is very mindful how she presents herself. She follows her beliefs and knows that she worshipps a merciful God.She is a great big sister. She is our straight A student and is not afraid to be the "nerdy" kid. She friends the underdog and has a huge heart.She is an AMAZING daughter!!!
     That brings us to child #2.................
          Stephen Sawyer Ridner
      He is truly his mothers son...He has a HUGE personality!!!! He loves to make people laugh and being almost 11 he is turning into quite the handsome young man... He,unlike Madi, does not sit on the sideline..he jumps right in the middle!!!HA! He WILL be seen and heard. He puts on the act of tough guy but secretly is sometimes afraid of his own shadow and this gives him great character. He is strong in his beliefs and always has a way to make sure everyone is ok. He has a great heart and his smile and laugh light up a room. One of his favorite things to do is curl up with me and watch Grey's anatomy which confuses his father!!!HA He also friends for life..so he is a good friend and a faithful friend. I have been amazed to watch him discover God and know that he is apart of something wonderful..He is AMAZING!!!
       Mason Conner Ridner
  Oh where to begin with him.. He has the biggest heart and wears it on his shoulder. He is his daddy made over, walks like him , talks like him, hurts like him. HE is loving,caring, bnut dont ever mistake that for weak. This year I have seen his strength as he has struggled with school and watched him never give up. He is a worker..he will work outside with his daddy and never complain for one second. He is not ahamed to give you the biggest hug and doesnt care who sees...He is quiet at first but warms quickly.Mase will be the first one to comfort you when your crying and go to battle if someone has hurt you. He is a loyal brother and would fight fire itself for his family.He is AMAZING!!!
     Samuel Roger Ridner
        Oh my Sam I am..... This child is the funniest kid I know!!!! He is def. our baby!!! He is the one that while the sun is out hangs with the big boys but when that sun goes down he finds his momma and daddy.. He once told me that his favorite room in the house was our room. He told me the other night he will sleep in his room when he is 16..HA!HA! As I know that he will not feel that way very soon I am soaking it up while can. His heart is HUGE and his personality is bigger!!! He is strong willed AND HARD HEADED!! He is all boy!!! From playing trucks in the bathtub to blocks in the living room. He is one that I would want on my side where he is also loyal and loving...He is AMAZING!!!!!
5.I am also grateful for our families..my mom and dad and Nates mom and dad!!! AMAZING people!!!
6. Amazing church family!!! We are still pretty new to our church family but loving the "getting to know" process!! The church is filled with love and loving people!!!
7. My AMAZIMG friends!!!
   I could probably keep going so again I say..AMAZED BY GRACE..
So I will write a blog daily about " you know your a mom when..." and test myself to doing this daily!!! It will be a challenge and hopefully rewarding!!! Thanks for listening to me ramble and remember...God bless and be AMAZED everyday!!!!